Friday 14 November 2008


Emily and I returned from a very successful research trip at the end of September (SEE PHOTOS BELOW - PREVIOUS POST). We met with people at the District Hospital and with the community in Chisala and this project is ready to move forward. We have signed agreements with everyone involved - the District Hospital will be providing the contractor and labour for the building project and will equip and maintain the hospital once built. They will also hire a Medical Assistant (Doctor) for the clinic. The community has agreed to make 250,000 bricks (and have already started!) and will provide sand and water (necessary for making cement) as well as labour when we start the project. Our job is to raise the approximately $80,000/£40,000 for the supplies! We have a long way to go but are already on our way. Please contact me if you want to help or get involved with the project!

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